Journal Publications
Tamas, Ruth, Mohamed Ouf, William O'Brien. (2019) A field study on the effect of building automation on perceived comfort and control in institutional buildings. Architectural Science Review 63(1): 74-86.
Ouf, Mohamed, William O’Brien, Burak Gunay (2019) “On quantifying building performance adaptability to variable occupancy Building and Environment” Building and Environment Vol 155:257-267
Berquist, Justin, Mohamed Ouf, William O’Brien (2019) “A method to conduct longitudinal studies on Indoor Environmental Quality and Perceived Occupant Comfort” Building and Environment Vol 150: 88-98
Gunay, Burak, Mohamed Ouf, Guy Newsham, William O’Brien (2019). Sensitivity analysis and optimization of building operations. Energy and Buildings Vol 199: 164 - 175
Ouf, Mohamed, Burak Gunay, William O’Brien (2018) “A method to generate design-sensitive occupant-related schedules for building performance simulations” Science and Technology for the Built Environment Vol 25: 221-232
Ouf, Mohamed, William O’Brien, Burak Gunay (2018) “Improving occupant-related features in building performance simulation tools” Building Simulation Vol 11: 803-817
Ouf, Mohamed, Mohamed Issa, Phil Merkel, Panos Polyzois (2018) “The Effect of Occupant Behaviour on Electricity Consumption in School Spaces” Journal of Green Building Vol 13: Issue 1: 95-112
Ouf, Mohamed, Mohamed Issa (2017). “Energy Consumption Analysis of School Buildings in Manitoba”, International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment Vol 6.: Issue 2: 359-371
Ouf, Mohamed, Mohamed Issa, Afaf Azzouz and Abdul-Manan Sadick (2017) Effectiveness of using WiFi technologies to detect and predict building occupancy. Sustainable Buildings. Vol. 2, 7
Ouf, Mohamed, Mohamed Issa, Phil Merkel (2016) “Analysis of Real-time Electricity Consumption in Manitoba Schools” Energy and Buildings Vol 128: 530-539
Gorgolewski, Mark; Craig Brown; Anne-Mareike Chu; Adrian Turcato; Karen Bartlett; Ghazal Ebrahimi; Murray Hodgson; Shauna Mallory-Hill; Mohamed Ouf; Leila Scannell (2016). "Performance of Sustainable Buildings in Colder Climates" Journal of Green Building Vol 11: 131-153
For publications after 2019, please see my Resarch Gate / Google Scholar Profiles
Other Publications
Ouf, Mohamed, William O’Brien, Burak Gunay (2019). “Optimizing Building Performance using Stochastic Occupant Models”, Proceedings of ASHRAE Winter conference. Jan 12 -16, 2019, Atlanta, GA, USA
William O’Brien, Sara Gilani, Mohamed Ouf (2019) “Advancing occupant modeling for building design and code compliance – Part 1: Overview” ASHRAE Journal (accepted: in press)
Ouf, Mohamed, Sara Gilani, William O’Brien (2019) “Advancing occupant modeling for building design and code compliance – Part 2: Case Study” ASHRAE Journal (accepted: in press)
Sara Gilani, William O’Brien, Mohamed Ouf (2019) “Advancing occupant modeling for building design and code compliance – Part 3: Future outlook” ASHRAE Journal (accepted: in press)
Ouf, Mohamed, William O’Brien, Burak Gunay (2018). “Generating design-sensitive occupant-related schedules for building performance simulations”, Proceedings of IBPC conference. Sep 23 -26, 2018, Syracuse, NY, USA (Awarded Best Paper)
Ouf, Mohamed, William O’Brien, Burak Gunay (2018). “A Framework to Improve Occupant Modeling Capabilities in Building Simulation Tools”, Proceedings of eSim conference. Mat 9 -10, 2018, Montreal, QC, Canada
Hicks, Andrew, Mohamed Ouf, William O’Brien (2018). “The effect of occupant behaviour on energy consumption in conventional vs. high-performance residential buildings”, Proceedings of eSim conference. Mat 9 -10, 2018, Montreal, QC, Canada
Ouf, Mohamed, William O’Brien (2018) “Occupant Modeling for Code Compliance and Incentive Programs” ASHRAE Journal Vol 60: 32-39
Ouf, Mohamed, Mohamed Issa (2016). “The Effect of Occupant Behaviour on Real-time Electricity Consumption in School Spaces”, Sustainable Built Environment Conference of the Americas, Sep 19-20, 2016, Toronto, ON, Canada
Ouf, Mohamed, Mohamed Issa, Panos Polyzois, Phil Merkel (2015). “A Methodology to Evaluate the Effects of School Buildings’ Occupancy and Usage on their Energy Consumption”, The CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference, June 8-10, 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Bartlett, Karen; Craig Brown; Anne-Mareike Chu; Ghazal Ebrahimi; Mark Gorgolewski; Murray Hodgson; Mohamed Issa; Shauna Mallory-Hill; Mohamed Ouf; Leila Scannell; Adrian Turcato. (2014). "Do Our Buildings Perform as Intended?" World Sustainable Building Conference 2014, October 28-30, Barcelona, Spain
Ouf, Mohamed, Mohamed Issa, Shauna Mallory-Hill (2014). “A Protocol for Evaluating School Buildings’ Energy Consumption”, 30th Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Conference, Sep 1-3,2014, Portsmouth, UK
Ouf, Mohamed, Mohamed Issa, Shauna Mallory-Hill (2013). “An investigation of Indicators, Metrics, and Methods Used to Measure and Quantify Green Buildings’ Occupancy and Usage”, Sustainable Building 2013-Portugal, October 30-November 1
Ouf, Mohamed, Mohamed Issa, Dimos Polyzois. (2013) "A Review of Research on the Energy Performance of Green Buildings and its Relation to Occupancy", 4th Construction Specialty Conference, CSCE Annual Conference, May 29-June 1, Montreal, QC, Canada